FREE Executive Job Search Support


How is the new executive job search protocol different?

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This is a high-speed, high-growth job search protocol.  It is not a tweaking of today’s job search.  It is based on an entirely new paradigm that is nonlinear and biologically maximized.  It is not reliant on networking.  It is guided, powered, and informed by other means.  It will launch a new era in job search, career management, and indeed all goal achievement.  This study is your opportunity to experience it first.  Accelerate your job search now.
–       Key Job Search Upgrades
–       Major Differences between Today’s Job Search and
.           Tomorrow’s Biologically Maximized Replacement

Why the study?

  1. The goal of the study is to speed and humanize executive job search.  It currently takes 1-2 years without our protocol and usually causes permanent damage.
  2. The ability to change jobs at will would free clients for job breaks for accelerated growth, wealth creation, study, invention, and maximum lifetime legacy.  Rapid-job-change finesse  would  enable discretionary job replacement  –  a coming career strategy which we want to excel at supporting.  It will become a career game-changer.
  3. Our current clients are experienced at applying our superior goal achievement methods.  Job search success for them is therefore routine, efficient, and accelerated.  How quickly can we make job seekers without prior knowledge of our techniques successful?  Supporting them will test and develop our process and proficiency.  We would be delighted if you would lend us your job search for our mutual gain.  Those who follow will be grateful.

Who are the study participants? 

.      Executive job-seekers:  employed or unemployed.
Send us something to introduce yourself if you wish free job search support, speed, and strategy:  résumés, bios, articles about you, your website, speaking promos, LinkedIn, or URLs for board or position intros or profiles or similar.

Who are we?

  • We have been maximizing executive careers for over 2 decades.
  • Our executive partnering services focus on action.  We either act on a client’s behalf or take action with them to achieve their work and career goals.  We provide strategic and tactical plans to solve any career or work challenge.  We recruit and lead the people they need for personal projects inside or outside of their jobs.  We lead in this new field of executive support.
  • We exploit biology for new information sources, capabilities, strategies, and power to maximize executive achievement.  We lead the industry in promoting biologically maximized careers.
  • We use goal pursuit to increase client baseline functionality and the very meta-skills executives need.
  • We use our ability to accelerate progress with nonlinear leaps such as coincidences,  breakthroughs, sudden knowledge, and flashes of genius until the client is able to do this for themselves.  We are the first and only company to offer this service or cultivate these capabilities.
  • We specialize in creating the unprecedented.  We bring the creativity, innovation, invention, and originality required for executives to achieve world-changing legacies.
  • We are experts in scaling new frontiers.  This facility enables us to lead executives in any field.  The ability to penetrate new unknown territory quickly and safely may be the number one skill for job search success.  We have been mastering, lending, and teaching this skill since 1991.  Frontiering is our company name.

All the articles on relate to this new way of operating.
We invite you to explore.

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Lead strategist for volunteer job search projects:  Lauren Holmes

Relevant Articles
Serial Job Replacement – A Career Game-Changer
A comparison of the new job search protocol and today’s version
Executive Job Search before biologically maximized
Summary of the challenges, dangers, and damages of today’s job search protocol

Relevant websites:    Frontiering™ services, education, and experimentation since 1991   Blog introducing the biologically maximized career for executives       The Canadian Frontiering Initiative

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